
Ms Eva Chan
Chief Executive Officer, Certizen, Hong Kong

Ms. Eva Chan leads the operations of Hong Kong Post e-Cert services since 2007. Under her direction, Hongkong Post Certification Authority (HKPCA), the only Recognized Public CA in Hong Kong by virtue of the Electronics Transactions Ordinance (Chapter. 553)(ETO), has achieved the WebTrust Seal of Assurance for Certification Authorities for over 12 consecutive years. HKPCA is also recognized by the free global standard PDF viewer, Adobe Reader, and web browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari.

Ms. Chan worked in the ICT industry for over 20 years. In the early 1990s, in order to increase cross border telecom capacity, she successfully acquired free interest loans for the China Ministry of Post & Telecommunications for the construction of Beijing-Jiujiang-Kowloon, a cross border fiber optic telecom infrastructure. In the late 1990s, to lower roaming charges for cross-border users, she spearheaded the Hong Kong and Guangdong Mobile Dual SIM Service, ‘One SIM-card, two numbers’. She became an entrepreneur in 2000s to develop world-class Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems supplied to major China and Hong Kong Telecom providers.

Ms. Chan is currently serving as the Secretary General of Asia PKI Consortium. She plays an important role for the promotion of PKI technology and its applications in e-commerce, especially in cross-border e-Payment.